Typical Problems That Digital and Tech Candidates Face

Have you outgrown your current role or Employer?
- You feel your current role has stagnated
- Lacking investment in your area or across the business
- Your Practice is profitable but other parts of the business are stifling your growth opportunity
- Restricted opportunity in the Market to Business develop
- Unrealistic targets are affecting your performance
- Doing a great Job but learning nothing new
- Long term mentor departed
- Want more complex projects, bigger ticket items, more strategic

Do you want greater reward and recognition?
- Your Pay Back is far less than your Contribution
- Promotion track keeps being deferred even when you are meeting all business KPIs
- No room to move up due to external economic conditions in other teams, or stagnation in the wider group
- Politics
- Pyramid structure model, or culture is not right for longer term career growth
- Hiring freezes when you are very profitable in your area

Sustainability in Direction of Employer?
- New CEO or Leader has done a re-org and your Capability/Practice area is no longer a priority
- Company Purpose – Leadership not aligned with your personal goals or what you think is the right direction
- Change in type of work e.g. more Transactional, RFP, less strategic, not the high end work you want to play in
- Acquisition has changed the environment, its no longer what it was
- Failure to retain key quality people
- Have an entrepreneurial itch to scratch
- More Strategic work wanted
- More Operational work wanted beyond slides, power points, endless decks…want to see tangible Impact with a clear measurable output
- Toxic environment